We are Aina and Ørjan. We are gonna write a text about our friendship. We are in the same class, both are born in 1993. Ørjan’s birthday is the 7th October. Aina’s birthday is the 26th January. So that means that Aina is older than Ørjan, in a way.
Aina and Ørjan met each other for the first time in 8th grade. Aina had just moved to Vigrestad from Dale, and Ørjan was one of her new classmates. He and some other friends showed her around at the school, and then they became friends. They are kidding a lot at school, so the teachers aren’t very fond of them. But I can’t say that Ørjan and Aina love them either…
Ørjan is a good boy. Sometimes he can laugh at the strangest things. He likes to watch TV and use the playstation. But most of all, he loves to be with his friends. That means that Ørjan is a very social person with good friends. He likes to eat hot dogs and potatoes. Once upon a time he played handball, but he quit because his team was too bad. Ørjan doesn’t like school very much. So we don’t talk so much about that.
Aina is a nasty girl with bad thoughts, she’s evil. She likes to use the computer and chat. She also likes to be with her wonderful friends and play playstation. Aina likes to dress like a weirdo and be total hyper. She’s also very smart and often gets good grades at school. She gets a lot of A’s. But she’s not a geek, so don’t call her that. Because she doesn’t do her homework, that’s just too boring for her. She loves music, all kinds of music – almost. Most of all she likes rock.
Ørjan and Aina like to watch Ørjan’s old team play handball. It’s very fun because they are so bad! So we laugh a lot. And after training they talk with Joakim. Joakim is cool. They also have other friends in the class like Elisabeth W, Eline, Mari, Madelen and Veronika.
Ørjan wants to be a truck-driver. Aina wants to be a musican or a designer. So they are not very alike. But that doesn’t mean that they can’t be friends. And they are good friends, you wouldn’t regret if you – once in this life – became friends with one of them. Seriously.
So see you...
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